Schools Advice Service
Help to find the right school for children with special educational needs
Relocating and schools for a child with special educational needs
If you are relocating owing to a job move, or keen to move now that you have more flexibility about where you live, the biggest stumbling block can be finding a school suitable for a child who has SEN.
We have detailed knowledge of schools throughout the country, so whether you need to find schools in commuting distance of a new city, or can now live anywhere but need to be guided by the choice of schools, we can help.
We can advise on both special schools and the mainstream schools which offer good SEN support, as well as suitable schools for any siblings.
Schools for the whole family
If you are moving with several children, we can find suitable schools for each child which will combine in a manageable school run. We cover both state and independent schools. We can help you to work through the complex logistics of finding school places for all of your children to start at once, and can advise on aspects such as appeals for state secondary schools, catchment areas and entry processes for independent schools.
Moving a child with an EHCP
Parents are often afraid that if they move elsewhere, their child will lose their EHCP and they will have to start again from scratch. This is not the case. When you move, a new local authority will be obliged to pick up and maintain your child’s EHCP. They have the right to consider making changes to it, but you would be able to challenge any detrimental proposals.
Costs of a school relocation service
Prices are based on the scale of the search – the number of children involved, how many sectors you wish to cover (mainstream/special/state/independent/day/boarding), and how wide a geographical area you wish to consider.
Contact us to book an initial consultation.